Cross-Cultural: dealing with or offering comparison between two or more different cultures or cultural areas
Intercultural: what happens when the two (or more) culturally-different groups come together, interact and communicate
HamptonArts’ EAST Teacher Program is a platform for a unique and comprehensive cross-cultural, intercultural, and interactive professional development experience.
Our programs are one week professional development programs designed to 1) equip educators to teach their students how to develop successful art school portfolio applications, and 2) expand their philosophical and pedagogical perspective of art education through guest speakers, panels, and open forums. The main goal of the program is not to promote a singularly Western style of art education, but to allow for a synergy of experiences and expertise to discuss and examine universal approaches to art education.
Chicago is home to a diverse local and global art scene, with world-renowned museums, art schools, galleries, and public art installations. Participants will have free time to attend several of these sites to get a feel of a contemporary, iconic, and historic American city. Such sites include the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Contemporary Art, The Gene Siskel Film Center, and dozens of notable galleries. Chicago is also home to many attractions such as the Navy Peir, The Sky Deck, Museum of Natural History, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, and beautiful beaches.
Teachers will be trained in encompassing elements and philosophies of developing their own portfolios for applications and the means to train their own students. Topics will include artist statements, proper documentation of work, developing a body of work, cover letters, CVs, ESL training and tips.
Through panel discussions, examining research, and professional experience, we will explore art education as an art practice and philosophy, looking at the purposes of art education through cultural context, both as a path to personal discover and as a trajectory to a career in the arts. To give a comprehensive perspective, guest speakers have been chosen based on their different focuses and niches within art education, including art education history and theory, academic based art education, contemporary and experimental art education, and art education applied to cultural and social contexts.
Artists from the Chicago area and abroad will give presentations from their experiences in contemporary mediums, such as digital art, experimental animation, 3D printing, installation, and traditional areas such as painting, illustration, photography, and sculpture. Likewise, the program will host presentations and Q&A panels of MFA and BFA art students throughout Chicago. These panels will be opportunities to hear and learn from artists who recently went through the application process and succeeded.
Participants, instructors, and guest speakers will have breakout sessions to make the most of the content by brainstorming and asking questions regarding the speakers or content.
As artists, participants can partake in a reflective self-directed art project to develop their current portfolio. Teachers will have designated studio space and time to work on their projects most days.
The more English a student understands the better. However, to ensure that all participants get the most out of the program, HamptonArts is prepared to accommodate its audience by hiring translators for the program activities and providing translated content materials.