Portfolio Review

Receiving expert feedback is key to growing as an artist.
HamptonArts offers professional portfolio and undergraduate application review, editing, and guidance.
Portfolio Review sessions come in different packages depending on the desired depth of review.

We are committed to working with students as long as the sessions are beneficial.  Packages start with a single one-hour session, and then students can receive as many additional sessions as they need at a discounted rate.


The Whitney Package - $50
1 hour art portfolio review session
$40 per any addition one-hour sessions

The Guggenheim Package - $75
Pre review of artist statement and portfolio
1 hour art portfolio review session
$40 per any addition 1 hour sessions

The Louvre Package - $130
Pre review of artist statement and portfolio
1 hour art portfolio review session
Post review and edit of artist statement
1 hour followup portfolio review session
$40 per any addition 1 hour session

Add Undergraduate Assistance to any package for $25

What to expect:

Post review and edit of artist statement
After the first session the instructors will have a clearer perspective of the students’ concepts. The artist statement can be submitted for professional editing, clarity, and feedback. The edits and any other feedback will be discussed in a follow up session.

Undergraduate Assistance
Choosing an art school and Applying can be daunting. Receive specific guidance on choosing a well-suited school and submitting a successful application. Adding Undergraduate Assistance usually will mean adding an extra half hour to a session.

1 hour art review session
During a session, instructors will review the student’s artwork, discuss their concepts and give them feedback, direction, and references to aid their development and the effectiveness of their portfolio.

Pre review of artist statement and portfolio
Prior to the first session, students can submit their artist statement and images of their portfolio work for early review, making the first session even more effective with the student’s work and statement already viewed. 


For Portfolio Review and Studio Art Practice, students will benefit from the additional experience of professional artist, curator, and instructor, Snow Yunxue Fu (aka Mrs. Hampton). She currently teaches at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago and is trained in Admissions work to review student portfolios. View the Instructors page to learn more about her.

Studio Art Practice

An extension of Portfolio Review, Studio Art Practice is a semester course customized for committed art students seeking an opportunity to work as a practicing artist, developing a series of work with professional direction, feedback, and real art world connections.

For both Portfolio Review and Studio Art Practice, students will benefit from the instruction and assessment from professional artist, curator, and instructor, Snow Yunxue Fu. She currently teaches at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago and is trained in Admissions work to review student portfolios. View the Instructors page to learn more about the Snow.


Have questions about Portfolio Review or Studio Art Practice?
Contact us today.

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